How to develop stronger hand muscles for writing
Kindergarten students need to have the strength, dexterity and coordination of their fine motor skills to be able to hold the pencil and control the direction it needs to move. Fine motor skills refer to small muscle movements which occur in the fingers; such as those needed to pick up objects in a pincer grasp between the thumb and index finger.
Using fine motor skills involves manipulating the small muscles of the fingers and hand that enable such functions as writing, grasping small objects, and fastening clothing. Children's fine motor development is a very important part of their physical skill set. Children need to learn to use their hands competently in order to manipulate toys and learn skills such as handwriting. These fine motor muscles develop as the nerve system matures, however we can help children develop these muscles through activities and games.
We can encourage our children's development by offering plenty of opportunity to practice strengthening these muscles, and to develop their hand-eye coordination through activities such as:
Early drawing and writing should not be hindered by focusing too much on correct line and letter formation. Encourage children to continue practicing scribbling, and doing the above activities, which will help them develop the necessary strength to begin the writing process.